Jul 4, 2023

Hello everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for my recent inactivity. I was occupied with my exams. Nonetheless, let’s dive into the details of the upcoming update. Legendary Bedrock RTX v0.7 will primarily focus on introducing realistic block textures for the nether world. These new textures include:
- Crimson blocks:

- Warped blocks:

- Nether Bricks:

- Netherrack:

- Basalt:

- Magma:

- Blackstone:

- Nether Portal, Fire & Soul Fire:

Due to the delay of this release, I have decided to bring another update by the end of this month. Please stay tuned for further announcements. Additionally, any suggestions that were not included in this update will be considered for inclusion in the next one.
That’s it for now! I hope you enjoy the new update and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Stay Tuned!!!
Thank you so much for your support!
~ Team LRT.
- #296 crimson log
- #297 crimson nylium
- #298 nether wart block
- #299 stripped crimson stem
- #300 stripped warped stem
- #301 warped nylium
- #302 warped stem
- #303 warped wart block
- #304 nether sprouts
- #305 crimson fungus
- #306 crimson roots
- #307 warped fungus
- #308 warped roots
- #309 chiseled nether bricks
- #310 cracked nether bricks
- #311 nether brick
- #312 netherite block
- #313 red nether brick
- #314 netherrack
- #315 basalt top
- #316 polished basalt top
- #317 magma
- #318 blackstone
- #319 chiseled polished blackstone
- #320 cracked polished blackstone bricks
- #321 gilded blackstone
- #322 polished blackstone
- #323 polished blackstone bricks
- #324 portal
- #325 fire
- #326 soul fire