Aug 3, 2023
Hello everyone, I trust you are all doing splendidly. It’s been quite some time since our team developed the Java edition texture pack, and we are thrilled to announce our latest update: RT21. In this release, we have optimized the texture pack to enhance its performance before introducing any new textures. After putting in a lot of hard work, we are proud to say that we have successfully made the texture pack more performance-friendly than ever before.
With the RT20 releasee, the fps for all 4 packs in 1024x + seus ptgi e12 at 12 render distance was around 7-10 (RTX3060 & 32GB RAM). However, with our new update, the fps have skyrocketed to 20-25 with the same configuration. And, we have some techniques to improve performance even further, which we will discuss later in our dev news.
While optimizing the pack, we also took the opportunity to retouch some blocks that we had initially textured long ago. This resulted in better appearance and the elimination of any bugs.
View the comparison video between RT20 and RT21:

We noticed that using a foliage pack in Dense Forest led to a performance drop. So, we added low poly leaves textures (blocky leaves) into the base pack. If you want higher fps in Forest, just place the base pack on top of any other texture pack. And, if you prefer realistic high poly leaves, you can place the foliage pack on top of all the other resource packs.
View the comparison video between low poly and high poly leaves textures:
Low poly leaves in Base pack:

High poly leaves in Foliage pack:

In addition, we have some ways to improve performance even more:
1. Load packs with different resolutions, for example, base pack in 1024x and rest in 512x resolution if you consider having basic Minecraft blocks in high resolution.
2. Load only necessary texture packs, such as excluding nether and end world packs in the overworld and likewise for the foliage pack in dense forests.
3. Use the base pack low poly leaves instead of the foliage pack high poly leaves textures.
We focused on optimizing the texture pack and improving the current textures available in the pack with this update. However, we plan on introducing new textures in future updates. That’s all for the RT21 update! We hope you love the new update and stay tuned for more!
Thank you for your support!
~ Team LRT.
- #624 acacia leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #625 dark oak leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #626 birch leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #627 jungle leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #628 oak leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #629 spruce leaves (low poly Added with colormap) [Base Pack]
- #630 grass (fixed colormap) [Base Pack]
- #631 grass block (fixed colormap) [Base Pack]
- #632 chiseled red sandstone (updated) [Base Pack]
- #633 chiseled sandstone (updated) [Base Pack]
- #634 red sandstone (updated) [Base Pack]
- #635 sandstone (updated) [Base Pack]
- #636 glow item frame (Added) [Base Pack]
- #637 diamond axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #638 diamond hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #639 diamond pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #640 diamond shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #641 diamond sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #642 golden axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #643 golden hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #644 golden pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #645 golden shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #646 golden sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #647 iron axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #648 iron hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #649 iron pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #650 iron shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #651 iron sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #652 netherite axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #653 netherite hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #654 netherite pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #655 netherite shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #656 netherite sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #657 stone axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #658 stone hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #659 stone pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #660 stone shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #661 stone sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #662 wooden axe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #663 wooden hoe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #664 wooden pickaxe (updated) [Base Pack]
- #665 wooden shovel (updated) [Base Pack]
- #666 wooden sword (updated) [Base Pack]
- #667 ender eye (updated) [Base Pack]
- #668 ender pearl (updated) [Base Pack]
- #669 amethyst block (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #670 budding amethyst (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #671 carved pumpkin (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #672 jack o lantern (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #673 chiseled quartz block (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #674 quartz block (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #675 quartz pillar (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #676 quartz bricks (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #677 hay block (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #678 magma (updated) [Extended Pack]
- #679 acacia leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #680 birch leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #681 dark oak leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #682 jungle leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #683 oak leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #684 spruce leaves (fixed colormap and optimized) [Foliage Pack]
- #685 vine (fixed missing texture) [Foliage Pack]
- #686 basalt (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #687 smooth basalt (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #688 blackstone (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #689 chiseled polished blackstone (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #690 cracked polished blackstone bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #691 gilded blackstone (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #692 polished blackstone (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #693 polished blackstone bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #694 chiseled nether bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #695 cracked nether bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #696 crimson fungus (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #697 crimson nylium (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #698 crimson roots (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #699 crimson stem (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #700 nether bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #701 nether sprouts (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #702 nether wart block (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #703 netherite block (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #704 netherrack (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #705 red nether bricks (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #706 stripped crimson stem (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #707 stripped warped stem (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #708 warped fungus (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #709 warped nylium (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #710 warped stem (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #711 warped wart block (updated) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #712 warped roots (Added) [Nether & End World Pack]
- #713 Blast furnance (fixed) [Base Pack]
- #714 Blast furnance On (fixed) [Base Pack]
- #715 Optimized & Increase Texture Pack Performance