Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing fantastic! I’m excited to announce a major update, and this time, there’s a surprise. After putting in countless hours of hard work, I’ve revived a long-dormant project that was put on hold due to overwhelming workloads and time constraints. But I’m thrilled to share that it’s finally back and better than ever – the POM (Parallax Occlusion Mapping) feature has been integrated into the ENHANCED LEGENDARY RT JAVA TEXTURES!
I’ve dedicated immense effort to bring you this fully enhanced version of the Legendary RT Java Texture Pack. It includes every texture from the original Legendary RT Java Textures, but with a major upgrade: the normal maps have been replaced with highly detailed versions created using the Parallax Occlusion Mapping technique. This elevates the realism and depth of every surface, making the textures more lifelike than ever before.
All the classic four categories – BASE, FOLIAGE, EXTENDED, and NETHER & END WORLD – are now available in ENHANCED Legendary RT Java Textures as well, now featuring POM and made to work flawlessly with SEUS PTGI HRR2 shaders! The result is stunning, creating a visual experience that pushes the boundaries of how realistic Minecraft can look, even further.
Below are some comparison screenshots showcasing the difference between the original LEGENDARY RT JAVA TEXTURES and the new ENHANCED LEGENDARY RT JAVA TEXTURES.

Recommended Settings: To get the most out of LRT Textures, we highly recommend using the SEUS PTGI HRR 2.1 shaders for the Enhanced Legendary RT Texture Pack. Though you may use other compatible shaders as well. We should point out, that it’s important to match the texture resolution in your shader settings to the resolution of the texture pack you’re using. For example, if you’re using the 256x Texture Pack Resolution, make sure to set the Shader’s Texture Resolution to 256x as well.
Additionally, I’ve gone through the entire texture pack and implemented several performance optimization techniques and texture updates. This includes organizing textures into their correct category packs, removing duplicate face textures, and replacing certain blocks like trapdoors, with more survival-friendly textures for a better gaming experience. Various reported bugs have also been addressed to ensure a smoother and more refined experience for players.

We hope that you will enjoy the Enhanced version of LRT Java Textures as much as I enjoyed creating it. Stay tuned for the official release and upcoming updates!
Thank you for being an essential part of the LEGENDARY RT TEXTURES community.
Best Regards,
- 1 acacia log
- 2 birch log
- 3 dark oak log
- 4 jungle log
- 5 oak log
- 6 spruce log
- 7 acacia planks
- 8 birch planks
- 9 crimson planks
- 10 dark oak planks
- 11 jungle planks
- 12 oak planks
- 13 spruce planks
- 14 warped planks
- 15 anvil
- 16 damaged anvil
- 17 barrel
- 18 bedrock
- 19 black wool
- 20 blue wool
- 21 brown wool
- 22 cyan wool
- 23 gray wool
- 24 green wool
- 25 light blue wool
- 26 light gray wool
- 27 lime wool
- 28 magenta wool
- 29 orange wool
- 30 pink wool
- 31 purple wool
- 32 red wool
- 33 white wool
- 34 yellow wool
- 35 black stained glass
- 36 blue stained glass
- 37 brown stained glass
- 38 cyan stained glass
- 39 gray stained glass
- 40 green stained glass
- 41 light blue stained glass
- 42 light gray stained glass
- 43 lime stained glass
- 44 magenta stained glass
- 45 orange stained glass
- 46 pink stained glass
- 47 purple stained glass
- 48 red stained glass
- 49 white stained glass
- 50 yellow stained glass
- 51 acacia leaves
- 52 birch leaves
- 53 dark oak leaves
- 54 jungle leaves
- 55 oak leaves
- 56 spruce leaves
- 57 blue ice
- 58 ice
- 59 packed ice
- 60 bricks
- 61 chiseled red sandstone
- 62 chiseled sandstone
- 63 red sand
- 64 red sandstone
- 65 sandstone
- 66 sand
- 67 coal ore
- 68 copper ore
- 69 diamond ore
- 70 emerald ore
- 71 gold ore
- 72 iron ore
- 73 lapis ore
- 74 redstone ore
- 75 chiseled stone bricks
- 76 cracked stone bricks
- 77 mossy stone bricks
- 78 smooth stone
- 79 stone bricks
- 80 stone
- 81 clay
- 82 cobblestone
- 83 mossy cobblestone
- 84 composter
- 85 copper block
- 86 cut copper
- 87 exposed copper
- 88 exposed cut copper
- 89 gold block
- 90 iron block
- 91 oxidized copper
- 92 oxidized cut copper
- 93 weathered copper
- 94 weathered cut copper
- 95 crafting table
- 96 crying obsidian
- 97 obsidian
- 98 daylight detector inverted top
- 99 daylight detector top
- 100 diamond block
- 101 dirt
- 102 dirt path
- 103 podzol
- 104 grass block
- 105 snow
- 106 enchanting table
- 107 farmland
- 108 farmland moist
- 109 jukebox top
- 110 note block
- 111 piston
- 112 redstone block
- 113 redstone lamp
- 114 scaffolding
- 115 tnt
- 116 sponge
- 117 wet sponge
- 118 gravel
- 119 emerald block
- 120 bamboo
- 121 acacia trapdoor
- 122 bamboo trapdoor
- 123 birch trapdoor
- 124 cherry trapdoor
- 125 crimson trapdoor
- 126 dark oak trapdoor
- 127 iron trapdoor
- 128 jungle trapdoor
- 129 mangrove trapdoor
- 130 oak trapdoor
- 131 spruce trapdoor
- 132 warped trapdoor
- 133 coal block
- 134 iron bars
- 135 amethyst block
- 136 budding amethyst
- 137 pumpkin
- 138 azalea plan
- 139 flowering azalea
- 140 bamboo block
- 141 bamboo mosaic
- 142 bamboo planks
- 143 bamboo trapdoor
- 144 stripped bamboo block
- 145 bee est
- 146 beehive
- 147 black concrete powder
- 148 blue concrete powder
- 149 brown concrete powder
- 150 cyan concrete powder
- 151 gray concrete powder
- 152 green concrete powder
- 153 light blue concrete powder
- 154 light gray concrete powder
- 155 lime concrete powder
- 156 magenta concrete powder
- 157 orange concrete powder
- 158 pink concrete powder
- 159 purple concrete powder
- 160 red concrete powder
- 161 white concrete powder
- 162 yellow concrete powder
- 163 black glazed terracotta
- 164 blue glazed terracotta
- 165 brown glazed terracotta
- 166 cyan glazed terracotta
- 167 gray glazed terracotta
- 168 green glazed terracotta
- 169 light blue glazed terracotta
- 170 light gray glazed terracotta
- 171 lime glazed terracotta
- 172 magenta glazed terracotta
- 173 orange glazed terracotta
- 174 pink glazed terracotta
- 175 purple glazed terracotta
- 176 red glazed terracotta
- 177 white glazed terracotta
- 178 yellow glazed terracotta
- 179 black terracotta
- 180 blue terracotta
- 181 brown terracotta
- 182 cyan terracotta
- 183 gray terracotta
- 184 green terracotta
- 185 light blue terracotta
- 186 light gray terracotta
- 187 lime terracotta
- 188 magenta terracotta
- 189 orange terracotta
- 190 pink terracotta
- 191 purple terracotta
- 192 red terracotta
- 193 terracotta
- 194 white terracotta
- 195 yellow terracotta
- 196 bone block
- 197 brain coral block
- 198 bubble coral block
- 199 dead brain coral block
- 200 dead bubble coral block
- 201 dead fire coral block
- 202 dead horn coral block
- 203 dead tube coral block
- 204 fire coral block
- 205 horn coral block
- 206 tube coral block
- 207 brown mushroom
- 208 red mushroom
- 209 cactus
- 210 calibrated sculk sensor
- 211 sculk catalyst side
- 212 sculk
- 213 sculk shrieker
- 214 campfire log
- 215 campfire log lit
- 216 cauldron
- 217 cherry leaves
- 218 cherry log
- 219 cherry planks
- 220 cherry trapdoor
- 221 chiseled quartz
- 222 quartz block
- 223 quartz bricks
- 224 quartz pillar
- 225 raw copper
- 226 raw gold
- 227 raw iron
- 228 slime
- 229 lantern
- 230 soul lantern
- 231 suspicious gravel
- 232 suspicious sand
- 233 coarse dirt
- 234 cobbled deepslate
- 235 deepslate
- 236 deepslate bricks
- 237 deepslate coal ore
- 238 deepslate copper ore
- 239 deepslate diamond ore
- 240 deepslate emerald ore
- 241 deepslate gold ore
- 242 deepslate iron ore
- 243 deepslate lapis ore
- 244 deepslate redstone ore
- 245 deepslate tiles
- 246 polished deepslate
- 247 dark prismarine
- 248 prismarine
- 249 prismarine bricks
- 250 dried kelp
- 251 dripstone block
- 252 All pointed dripstone
- 253 fletching table
- 254 grindstone
- 255 hay block
- 256 honey block
- 257 honeycomb block
- 258 lapis block
- 259 lava flow
- 260 lava still
- 261 magma
- 262 mangrove leaves
- 263 mangrove log
- 264 mangrove planks
- 265 mangrove propagule
- 266 mangrove roots
- 267 mangrove trapdoor
- 268 muddy mangrove roots
- 269 stripped mangrove log
- 270 melon side
- 271 moss block
- 272 mud
- 273 mud bricks
- 274 mycelium
- 275 pink petals
- 276 sea pickle
- 277 seagrass
- 278 tall seagrass
- 279 fern
- 280 large fern
- 281 vine
- 282 ancient debris
- 283 basalt
- 284 smooth basalt
- 285 blackstone
- 286 chiseled polished blackstone
- 287 cracked polished blackstone bricks
- 288 gilded blackstone
- 289 polished blackstone bricks
- 290 polished blackstone
- 291 chiseled ether bricks
- 292 cracked ether bricks
- 293 nether bricks
- 294 nether wart block
- 295 netherite block
- 296 red ether bricks
- 297 crimson ylium
- 298 crimson stem
- 299 end portal frame
- 300 end stone bricks
- 301 end stone
- 302 purpur block
- 303 purpur pillar
- 304 purpur pillar top
- 305 shroomlight
- 306 soul sand
- 307 soul soil
- 308 warped ylium
- 309 warped stem
- 310 warped wart block