Oct 3, 2022
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am really excited to announce that finally, LEGENDARY RT TEXTURE is now available for Minecraft Bedrock Edition with RTX support.

However, there is a kind of size limit programmed for bedrock edition which doesn’t allow to load resource pack size exceeding more than ~350MB. At least for now it’s not possible to make the texture pack available in 1024x resolution, if this gets updated in the future I will make the pack available in 1024x too. For now, the LEGENDARY BEDROCK RTX TEXTURE PACK is available in the following resolutions:
Although the texture pack even in 256x resolution looks great. Anyways I have included the most commonly used blocks in this initial release, they are planks, logs, grass, snow, etc. Also, I have not just converted the java edition texture to bedrock, most of them have been enhanced to further more detailed texture, which will also get updated in the upcoming java edition release.

Note: You may get an error “Resource Pack Fallback. Low Memory. Textures will have a reduced level of detail” just simply use the lower resolution of the texture pack.
Well, that’s all for today, and hope to see you soon again.
Stay Tuned!!!
Thank you so much for your support!
~ Legendary Knight & Team.
- #1 planks acacia
- #2 planks big oak
- #3 planks birch
- #4 planks jungle
- #5 planks oak
- #6 planks spruce
- #7 warped planks
- #8 crimson planks
- #9 coarse dirt
- #10 dirt
- #11 grass carried
- #12 grass path
- #13 snow
- #14 log acacia
- #15 log big oak top
- #16 log birch
- #17 log jungle
- #18 log oak
- #19 log spruce
- #20 stripped acacia log
- #21 stripped birch log
- #22 stripped dark oak log
- #23 stripped jungle log
- #24 stripped oak log
- #25 stripped spruce log
- #26 colormap foliage& grass
- #27 destroy stages
- #28 moon phases
- #29 deepslate
- #30 deepslate coal ore
- #31 deepslate copper ore
- #32 deepslate diamond ore
- #33 deepslate emerald ore
- #34 deepslate gold ore
- #35 deepslate iron ore
- #36 deepslate lapis ore
- #37 deepslate redstone ore
- #38 diamond ore
- #39 emerald ore
- #40 gold ore
- #41 iron ore
- #42 lapis ore
- #43 coal ore
- #44 copper ore
- #45 redstone ore
- #46 nether gold ore
- #47 quartz ore
- #48 stone
- #49 barrel
- #50 brick
- #51 diamond block
- #52 emerald block
- #53 gold block
- #54 gravel
- #55 iron block
- #56 red sand
- #57 redstone block
- #58 redstone lamp
- #59 sand
- #60 sea lantern
- #61 stonebrick
- #62 stonebrick carved
- #63 stonebrick cracked
- #64 stonebrick mossy
- #65 farmland dry
- #66 farmland wet
- #67 copper block
- #68 cut copper
- #69 exposed copper
- #70 exposed cut copper
- #71 oxidized copper
- #72 oxidized cut copper
- #73 weathered copper
- #74 weathered cut copper
- #75 cobblestone
- #76 cobblestone mossy